Anger management tips

When you are working in an organization, you need to keep a lot of control on your nerves. In order to become a successful employee or a business man, you must learn how to get control on your temper. This is the only way by which you can keep the organizational relationships healthy as well as increase your chances to grow and win hearts of your fellow employees. If you are running your own business, anger management becomes more important. There are thousands of things that go wrong during the day in office but if you lose control on your temper, you might end up in a great suffer and loss. This will affect your decision making on which the foundations of your entire business depend. Here are some self-practicing techniques that might help you stabilize your nerves and get control on your temper.

-          Countdown from 10
When you are upset and think like your blood pressure is shooting up due to certain reason, start counting down from 10 to zero feeling like you are getting down. Before reacting to a tense situation, take a few moments to breathe deeply and count to 10. Slowing down can help defuse your temper. If necessary, take a break from the person or situation until your frustration subsides a bit.

-          Once you are calm, express your anger
Controlling your temper doesn’t a mean that you start to stuff up your mind with the things that disturb you. If you will not express them, you will feel metal pressure that will result into something bad. So try to be calm at the moment and when you think you are normal, express your anger. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them.

-          Drink some water
Drinking water can really turn you down especially if you drink cold water. If your boss insulted you in front of the office, or you are just irritated by a stupid employee, drinking water can help you manage the anger and get control  on the temper. If this works on you, you can try other drinks as well that not only stabilize your anger but also help to please your mood. This technique is really effective on some people. Do not forget to try chocolate and ice cream. They release such hormones in body that make you feel good and happy. The similar hormones are released when the person falls in love.

-          Escape from situations
This practice is not much encouraged as it is just like being coward and running away from something but it is recommended in the worst scenarios where you doubt that you will perform a bad action that can hurt you or any other person in any ways.


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