Prophet Muhammad (blessings & peace be upon him) Famous Quotes

Prophet Muhammad Quotes and Sayings

Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him.
A perfect Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe.
Power consists not in being able to strike another,
but in being able to control oneself when anger arises.
Happy is the person who finds fault with himself
instead of finding fault with others.
Every religion has a distinctive virtue
and the distinctive virtue of Islam is modesty.
Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions
as fire consumes and burns the wood.
From morning until night and from night until morning
keep your heart free from malice towards anyone.
He who travels in the search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of Paradise.
The best of God's servants are those who when seen remind you of God;
and the worst of God's servants are those who spread tales
to do mischief and separate friends, and look for the faults of the good.
A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime
is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die.
He is not strong and powerful, who throws people down,
but he is strong who withholds himself from anger.
What actions are most excellent?
To gladden the heart of a human being,
to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted,
to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the wrongs of the injured.
- The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness.

- Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two things better than these.

- Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.

- When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who have been given less.

- It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is, better still to sit with the good than alone. It is better to speak to a seeker of knowledge than to remain silent; but silence is better than idle words.

- The best richness is the richness of the soul.

- A Muslim who meets with others and shares their burdens is better than one who lives a life of seclusion and contemplation.

- To overcome evil with good is good, to resist evil by evil is evil.

- A Muslim has five duties towards another Muslim; to return a salutation, visit the sick, follow funerals, accept an invitation and say 'God have mercy on you' when one sneezes.

- He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter paradise. 

- The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.

- Those who are merciful have mercy shown them by the Compassionate One, if you show mercy to those who are in the earth, He Who is in heaven will show mercy to you.

- What is Faith? When your good deed pleases you and your evil deed grieves you, you are a believer. What is Sin? When a thing disturbs (the peace of) your heart, give it up. 

-  When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of the religion, so let him fear God regarding the remaining half. 

i like this one (( - Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.)) .

Prophet Muhammad - “God is One, and liketh unity.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Do you love your creator Love your fellow-beings first.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “That man is nearest to God, who pardoneth, when he had in his power him who would have injured him.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Be in the world like a traveller, or like a passer on, and reckon yourself as of the dead.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “This world is a prison for the Faithful, but a Paradise for unbelievers.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The love of the world is the root of all evil.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The rights of women are sacred. See that women are maintained in the rights assigned to them.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “God enjoins you to treat women well, for they are your mothers, daughters, aunts.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Shall I not point out to you the best of virtues It is your doing good to your daughter when she is returned to you having been divorced by her husband.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever doeth good to girls, it will be a curtain to him from hell-fire.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Women are the twin halves of men.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “A Muslim must not hate his wife and if he be displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with another that is good.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Admonish your wives with kindness.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Verily, a man hath performed prayers, fasts, charity, pilgrimage and all other good works but he will not be rewarded except by the proportion of his understanding.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “It is not a sixth or a tenth of a man's devotion which is acceptable to God, but only such portions thereof as he offereth with understanding and true devotional spirit.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “It is not worthy of a speaker of truth to curse people.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Strive always to excel in virtue and truth.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Can anyone walk through water without wetting his feet The companions replied, 'No' Muhammad said, 'Such is the condition of those of the world they are not safe from sins.'”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Much silence and a good disposition, there are no two works better than those.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Feed the hungry and visit a sick person, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Wealth, properly employed, is a blessing and a man may lawfully endeavor to increase it by honest means.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever desireth the world and its riches, in a lawful manner, in order to withold himself from begging, and for a livelihood for his family, and for being kind to his neighbor, will come to God with his face bright as the full moon on the fourteenth night of the lunar month.”
Prophet Muhammad - “It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path which leads to bliss.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Riches are not from an abundance of wordly goods but from a contented mind.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “A sincere repenter of faults is like him who hath committed none.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The duty of a junior to a senior brother is as that of a child to its father.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “He is not a perfect performer of the duties of relationship who doeth good to his relatives as they do good to him. He is perfect who doeth good to his relatives when they do not do good to him.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “He is the most perfect of Muslims, whose disposition is most liked by his own family.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “God hath not created anything better than Reason, or anything more perfect, or more beautiful than Reason the benefits which God giveth are on its account and understanding is by it, and God's wrath is caused by disregard of it.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Religion is admonition, and it means being pure.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “They will enter the Garden of Bliss who have a true, pure, and merciful heart.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Verily the reward is as great as the misfortune that is, the more unfortunate and calamitous one is, the greater and more perfect his reward. And verily, when God loveth a people, He entangleth it in misfortune therefore, he who is resigned to the pleasure of God, in misfortune, for him is God's favor.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Men will be liars towards the end of the world and will relate such stories as neither you nor your fathers ever heard. Then avoid them, that they may not lead you astray and throw you into contention and strife.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Verily ye are in an age in which if ye neglect one-tenth of what is ordered, ye will be doomed. After this a time will come, when he who shall observe one-tenth of what is now ordered will be redeemed.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The best of good acts in God's sight is that which is constantly attended to although in a small degree.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Every human being hath two inclinations - one prompting him to good and impelling him thereto, and the other prompting him to evil and thereto impelling him but Divine assistance is nigh, and he who asketh the help of God in contending with the evil promptings of his own heart obtaineth it.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “It is your own conduct which will lead you to reward or punishment, as if you had been destined therefor.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Everyone is divinely furthered in accordance with his character.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The proud will not enter Paradise, nor a violent speaker.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Say your prayers standing but if you are not able, sitting and if unable, on your sides.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “He whom prayer preventeth not from wrongdoing and evil, increaseth in naught save in remoteness from the Lord.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The Lord doth not regard a prayer in which the heart doth not accompany the body.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Prayer is the miraj (union with, or annihilation in, the Divine Essence by means of continual upward progress) of the Faithful.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Seek for my satisfaction in that of the poor and needy.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “O Lord Keep me alive a poor man, and let me die poor and raise me amongst the poor.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Poverty may well become a cause of infidelity.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Poverty is my pride.”
Prophet Muhammad - “The truest words spoken by any poet are those of Labid 'Know that everything is vanity save God.'”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Some poetry is dressed in knowledge and art.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Shall I not inform you of a better act than fasting, alms, and prayers Making peace between one another enmity and malice tear up heavenly rewards by the roots.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “There is no child, a doer of good to his parents, who looketh on them with kindness and affection, but God will grant with every look the rewards for an approved pilgrimage.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “A man is bound to do good to his parents, although they may have injured him.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “He who wisheth to enter Paradise at the best door must please his father and mother.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “A Muslim who mixeth with people and putteth up with their inconveniences, is better than one who doth not mix with them, and bear with patience.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “The best of persons in God's sight is the best amongst his friends and the best of neighbors near God is the best person in his own neighborhood.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “O Lord I make my complaint unto thee, of my feebleness, the vanity of my efforts. I am insignificant in the sight of men, O Thou Most Merciful Lord of the weak Thou aret my Lord Forsake me not. Leave me not a prey to strangers, nor to mine enemies. If Thou art not displeased, I am safe. I seek refuge in the light of Thy countenance, by which all darkness is dispelled, and peace cometh in the Here and Hereafter. Solve Thou my difficulties as it pleaseth Thee. There is no power, no strength, save in Thee.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “O Lord grant to me the love of Thee grant that I love those that love Thee grant that I may do the deed than win Thy love make thy love dearer to me than self, family and wealth.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “When the Messenger of God entered a place of worship he said, 'O God Pardon my sins, and open for me the gates of Thy compassion,' and on leaving he would repeat the same.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Muhammad used to say after making the profession of faith, 'O Lord I supplicate Thee for firmness in faith, and inclination towards the straight path, and for Thine aid in being grateful to Thee, and in adoring Thee in every good way and I supplicate Thee for an innocent heart which shall not incline to wickednes and for a true tongue. I supplicate Thee to guide me to all which Thou knowest to be virtuous and to preserve me from all which Thou knowest to be vicious. I supplicate Thee to forgive me my faults for Thou knowest them all.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “It was said to the Rasul, 'O Messenger of God Curse the infidels.' Muhammad said, 'I am not sent for this nor was I sent but as mercy to mankind.'”
 Prophet Muhammad - “To the light I have attained and in the light I live.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Muhammad slep upon a mat, and got up very marked on the body by it and someone said, 'O Messenger of God If thou hadst ordered me, I would have spread a soft bed for thee.' Lord Muhammad said, 'What business have I with the world I am a man on horseback, who standeth under the shade of a tree, then leaveth it.'”
 Prophet Muhammad - “When the ambassadors of Bani Amir went to Muhammad, they said, 'You are our master.' He said, 'God is your master.' Then they said, 'You are most excellent of the highest degree.' And when He heard this He said, 'Say so, or less, and do not exceed reasonable bounds in praise.'”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Verily my heart is veiled with melancholy and sadness for my followers and verily I ask pardon of God one hundred times daily.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Convey to other persons none of my words, except those ye know of a surety.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “I am no more than man when I order you anything respecting religion, receive it and when I order you anything about the affairs of the world, then I am nothing more than man.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Heaven lieth at the feet of mothers.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “All kinds of modesty are best.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “True modesty is the source of all virtues.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Whatever mishap may befall you, it is on account of something which you have done.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “'Who is the best man' Muhammad replied, 'He is the best man whose life is long and whose actions are good.' 'Then who is the worst man' 'He whose life is long and whose actions are bad.”
 Prophet Muhammad - “Who are the learned They who practise what they know.”
Prophet Muhammad - “Learn to know thyself.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “With knowledge man riseth to the heights of goodness and to a noble position, associateth with sovereigns in this world, and attaineth to the perfection of happiness in the next.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Acquire knowledge. It enableth its posessor to distinguish right from wrong it lighteth the way to Heave it is our friend in the desert, our society in solitude, our companion when friendless it guideth us to happiness it sustaineth us in misery it is an ornament among friends, and an armour against enemies.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The acquisition of knowledge is a duty incumbent on every Muslim, male and female.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God hath treasuries beneath the Throne, the keys whereof are the tongues of poets.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “One hour's meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who leaveth home in search of knowledge, walketh in the path of God.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “To listen to the words of the learned, and to instil into others the lessons of science, is better than religious exercises.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily the best of God's servants are just and learned kings and verily the worst are bad and ignorant kings.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who knoweth his own self, knoweth God.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshippers.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “That person who shall die while he is studying, in order to revive the knowledge of religion, will be only one degree inferior to the prophets.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever seeketh knowledge and findeth it, will get two rewards one of them the reward for desiring it, and the other for attaining it therefore, even if he do not attain it, for him is one reward.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “To spend more time in learning is better than spending more time praying the support of religion is abstinence. It is better to teach knowledge one hour in the night than to pray all night.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The knowledge from which no benefit is derived is like a treasure from which no charity is bestowed in the way of the Lord.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Go in quest of knowledge even unto China.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Philosophy is the stray camel of the Faithful, take hold of it wherever ye come across it.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “An hour's contemplation is better than a year's adoration.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily god doth not taketh away knowledge from the hands of His servants but taketh it by taking away the learned so that when no learned men remain, the ignorant will be placed at the head of affairs. Causes will be submitted to their decision, they will pass sentence without knowledge, will err themselves, and lead others into error.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The Messenger of God was asked, 'What is the greatest vice of man' He said, 'You must not ask me about vice, but ask about virtue' and he repeated this three times, after which he said, 'Know ye The worst of men is a bad learned man, and a good learned man is the best.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoso honoreth the learned, honoreth me.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He dieth not who giveth life to learning.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Give the laborer his wage before his perspiration be dry.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Those who earn an honest living are the beloved of God.”
Prophet Muhammad - “Whoso is able and fit and doth not work for himself, or for others, God is not gracious to him.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Pray to God morning and evening, and employ the day in your avocations.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The other messengers of God had their miracles, mine is the Kuran and will remain forever.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The Kuran was sent down in seven dialects and in every one of its sentences, there is an external and internal meaning.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Kindness is a mark of faith and whoever hath not kindness hath not faith.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who is not kind to God's creatures, and to his own children, God will not be kind to him.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever is kind to His creatures, God is kind to him therefore be kind to man on earth, whether good or bad and being kind to the bad, is to withold him from badness, thus in heaven you will be treated kindly.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “All God's creatures are His family and he is the most beloved of God who doeth most good to God's creatures.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Who is the most favored of God He from whom the greatest good cometh to His creatures.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who helpeth his fellow-creature in the hour of need, and he who helpeth the oppressed, him will God help in the Day of Travail.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “To gladden the heart of the weary, to remove the suffering of the afflicted, hath its own reward. In the day of trouble, the memory of the action cometh like a rush of the torrent, and taketh our burden away.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Men differ like mines of gold and silver the good in ignorance are the good in Islam, once they have obtained the knowledge of religion.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do you know what sappeth the foundations of Islam and ruineth it The errors of the learned destroy it, and the disputations of the hypocrite, and the orders of kings who have lost the road.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Every child is born with a disposition towards the natural religion (Islam - submission to the Divine Will). It is the parents who maketh it a Jew, Christian or a Magian.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “'What is Islam' someone asked. Muhammad said, 'Purity of speech and charity.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The greatest enemies of God are those who are entered into Islam, and do acts of infidelity, and who without cause, shed the blood of man.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “My religion is like clouds dropping much rain some of them falling on pure, favorable soil, cause grass to grow some of them fall in hollows from which mankind are benefited, some fall on high lands from which benefit is not derived then the two first are like the persons acquainted with the religion of God and instructing others and the last like the person not regarding it nor accepting the right path.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever is humble to men for God's sake, may God exalt his eminence.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily God instructs me to be humble and lowly and not proud and that no one should oppress another.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Humility and courtesy are acts of piety.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “What is Paradise Muhammad replied, 'It is what the eye hath not seen, nor the ear heard, nor ever flashed across the mind of man.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The people entitled to the Abode of Bliss are three the first, a just king, a doer of good to his people endowed with virtue the second, an affectionate man, of a tender heart to relations and others the third, a virtuous man.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Paradise is not for him who reproacheth others with any favor he doth to them.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Deal gently with the people, and be not harsh cheer them and condemn them not. Ye will meet with many 'people of the Book' who will question thee, what is the key to Heaven Reply to them (the key to Heaven) to testify to the truth of God, and to do good work.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Paradise is nearer to you than the thongs of your sandals and the Fire likewise.”
Prophet Muhammad - “Heaven lieth at the feet of mothers.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Hell is veiled in delights, and Heaven in hardships and miseries.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Muhammad said, 'O Wabisah are you come to ask what is goodness and what is badness' Wabisah said, 'Yes, I am come for that.' Then He joined his fingers and struck them upon Wabisah's breast, that is made a sign towards his heart, and said, 'Ask the question from thine own heart.' This he repeated three times aloud and said, 'Goodness is a thing from which thy heart findeth firmness and rest and badness is a thing which throweth thee into doubt, although men may acquit thee.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Beware verily there is a piece of flesh in the body of man, which when good, the whole body is good and when bad, the whold body is bad, and that is the heart.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Be persistent in good actions.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “'Do none enter the Garden of Bliss save by God's mercy' Muhammad said, 'No. None enter save through God's favor.' 'You also, O Messenger of God Will you not enter Paradise save by God's compassion' Muhammad put his hand on his head and said thrice, 'I shall not enter unless God cover me with His mercy.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God is not merciful to him who is not kind to mankind.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Trust in God, but tie it (your camel).”
  Prophet Muhammad - “If you put your whole trust in God, as you ought, He most certainly will give you sustenance, as He doth the birds they come out hungry in the morning, but return full to their nests.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “If the unbeliever knew of the extent of the Lord's mercy, even he would not despair of Paradise.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God saith, 'Verily my compassion overcometh my wrath.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God said, 'I was a hidden treasure. I would fain be known. So I created Man.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “We were with Muhammad on a journey, and some men stood up repeating aloud, 'God is most great,' and the Rasul said, 'O men Be easy on yourselves, and do not distress yourselves by raising your voices, verily you do not call to one deaf or absent, but verily to one who heareth and seeth and He is with you and He to whom you pray is nearer to you than the neck of your camel.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God saith, 'O Man Only follow thou My laws, and thou shall become like unto Me, and then say, 'Be' and behold, It is.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God saith, 'The person I hold as a beloved, I am his hearing by which he heareth, and I am his sight by which he seeth, and I am his hands by which he holdeth, and I am his feet by which he walketh.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God saith, 'I fulfil the faith of whoso putteth his faith in Me and I am with him, and near him, when remembereth Me.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever loveth to meet God, God loveth to meet him.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily you have two qualities which God and His Messenger love - fortitude and gentleness.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God is gentle and loveth gentleness.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever hath been given gentleness hath been given a good portion, in this world and the next.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily, god is mild, and is fond of mildness, and he giveth to the mild what he doth not to the harsh.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Thus saith the Lord, 'Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He is not a perfect man of fortitude, who hath not fallen into misfortunes and there is no physician but the experienced.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Keep yourselves far from envy it eateth up and taketh away good actions, like as fire eateth up and burneth wood.”
Prophet Muhammad - “If envy were proper, two persons would be the most proper objects of it one, a man to whom god hath given riches, and apointed to bestow in charity the other, to whom God hath granted the knowledge of religion, and acteth thereon himself, instructing others.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Some eloquence is like magic.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A Muslim who mixeth with people and beareth inconveniences, is better than one who doth not mix with them and beareth no inconveniences.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “'There is a polish for everything that taketh away rust and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of God.' The companions said, 'Is not repelling the infidels also like this' Muhammad said, 'No, although one fights until one's sword be broken'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “In prayers, all thoughts must be laid aside but those of God in conversation no word is to be uttered which afterwards be repented of do not covet from others, or have any hopes for them.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “'Teach me a work, such that when I perform it God and men will love me.' Muhammad said, 'Desire not the world, and God will love you and desire not what men have, and they will love you.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do not say that if people do good to us, we will do good to them and if people oppress us, we will oppress them but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily, each of you is a mirror to his brother then if he seeth a vice in his brother he must tell him to get rid of it.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “No man hath believed perfectly, until he wish for his brother that which he wisheth for himself.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Ye will not enter Paradise until ye have faith, and ye will not complete your faith until ye love one another.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He is not of us who is not affectinate to his liitle ones, and doth not respect the feelings of the aged and he is not of us who doth not order that which is good and prohibit that which is evil.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “That person is not of us who inviteth others to aid him in oppression and he is not of us who fighteth for his tribe in injustice and he is not of us who dieth in assisting his tribe in tyranny.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Refrain from seeing and speaking of the vices of mankind, which you know are in yourself.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Fear not the obloquy of the detractor in showing God's religion.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad and it is better to sit with the good than alone. And it is better to speak words to a speaker of knowledge than to remain silent and silence is better than bad words.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “It is unworthy of a Muslim to injure people's reputation it is unworth to curse anyone and it is unworth to abuse anyone and it is unworth of a Muslim to talk vainly.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Every Muslim who calls a Muslim infidel will have the epithet returned to him.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Abusing a Muslim is disobedience to God and it is infidelity to fight with one.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “No man is a true believer unless he desireth for his brother that which he desireth for himself.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The proof of a Muslims sincerity is that he payeth no heed to that which is not his business.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The creation is as God's family for its sustenance is from Him therefore the most beloved unto God is the person who doeth good to God's family.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He is true who protecteth his brethren both present and absent.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Be ye imbued with divine qualities.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do a good deed for every bad deed that it may blot out the latter.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The world is forbidden to those of the life to come the life to come is forbidden to those of this world.”
Prophet Muhammad - “Commandments are of three kinds one commands an action, the reward of which is clear, then do it another forbids an action which leads astray, abstain from it and in another arise contradictions, resign that to God.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “This life is but a tillage for the next, do good that you may reap there for striving is the ordinance of God and whatever God hath ordained can only be attained by striving.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Feed the hungry and visit the sick, and free the captive, if he be unjustly confined. Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Adore God as thou wouldst if thou sawest Him for if thou seest Him not, He seeth thee.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily your deeds will be brought back to you, as if you yourself were the creator of your own punishement.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “It is not a sixth or a tenth of a man's devotion which is acceptable to God, but only such portions thereof as he offereth with understanding and true devotional spirit.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Speak to men according to their mental capacities, for if you speak all things to all men, some cannot understand you, and so fall into errors.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who believeth in one God and the Hereafter, let him speak what is good or remain silent.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who progresseth daily is yet far off from the Ideal.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Muhammad once said to Anas, 'Son, if you are able, keep your heart from morning till night and from night till morning, free from malice towards anyone' then he said, 'Oh my son, this is one of my laws, and he who loveth my laws verily loveth me.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “O Lord as thou hast made my body good, so make good my disposition.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “I have been sent to explain fully good dispositions.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily the most beloved of you by me are those of the best dispositions.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He is of the most perfect Muslims, whose disposition is most liked by his own family.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Deliberation in undertakings is pleasing to God.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Muhammad said, three days before his death, 'Not one of you must die but with resignation to the will of God, and with hope for his beneficence and pardon.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Sleep is the brother of death.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Death is a bridge that uniteth friend with friend.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The grave is the first stage of the journey into eternity.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The Faithful do not die perhaps they become translated from this perishable world to the world of eternal existences.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Remember often the destroyer and cutter off of delights, which is death.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “When the bier of anyone passeth by thee, whether Jew, Christian, or Muslim, rise to thy feet.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do not speak ill of the dead.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Abuse nobody, and if a man abuse thee, and lay upon a vice which he knoweth in thee then do not disclose one which thou knowest in him.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Being confined for room, the Apostle of god sat down upon his legs drawn up under his thighs. A desert Arab who was present said, 'What is this way of sitting' Muhammad said, 'Verily God hath made me a humble servant, and not a proud king.'”
Prophet Muhammad - “'O Apostle of God Inform, Inform me, if I stop with a man, and he doth not entertain me, and he afterwards stoppeth at my house, am I to entertain him or to act with him as he with did me' Muhammad said, 'Entertain him.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Humility and courtesy are acts of piety.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “No person hath drunk a better draught than that of anger which he hath swallowed for God's sake.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He is not strong and powerful who throweth people down but he is strong who witholdeth himself from anger.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “'Give me advice,' said someone. Muhammad said, 'Be not angry.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “May God fill the heart of that person who suppresseth his anger with safety and faith.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever suppresseth his anger, when he hath in his power to show it, God will give him great reward.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Whoever hath been given gentleness, hath been given a good portion in this world and the next.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A man cannot be a Muslim till his heart and tongue are so.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The exercise of religious duty will not atone for the fault of an abusive tongue.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “God loveth those who are content.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Look to those inferior to yourselves, so that you may not hold God's benefits in contempt.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “When you see a person, who has been given more than you in money and beauty then look to those who have been given less.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Riches are not from an abundance of wordly goods, but from a contented mind.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “All actions are judged by the motive prompting them.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A man asked Muhammad what was the mark whereby he might know the reality of his faith. Muhammad said, 'If thou derive pleasure from the good which thou hast performed and thou be grieved for the evil which thou hast committed, thou art a true believer.' The man said. 'In what doth a fault really consist' Muhammad said, 'when action pricketh thy conscience, forsake it.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Muhammad said, 'Do you think this woman will cast her own child into the fire' Those present said, 'No.' Muhammad said, 'Verily God is more compassionate on His creatures, than this woman on her own child.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “When the bier of anyone passeth by thee, whether Jew, Christian or Muslim, rise to thy feet.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do not exceed bounds in praising me, as the Christians do in praising Jesus, the son of Mary, by calling Him God, and the Son of God I am only the Lord's servant then call me the servant of God and His messenger.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Modesty and chastity are part of the faith.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Every good act is charity.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Charity that is concealeth appeaseth the wrath of God.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Muhammad said, 'That person will not enter Paradise who hath one atom of pride in his heart.' And a man present said, 'Verily, a man is fond of having good clothes, and good shoes.' Muhammad said, 'God is Beauty and delighteth in the beautiful but pride is holding man in contempt.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “An adultress passed by a dog at a well and the dog was holding out his tongue from thirst, which was near killing him, and the woman drew off her boot, and tied it to the end of her garment, and drew water for the dog, and gave him to drink and she was forgiven for that act.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The most excellent of alms is that of a man of small property, which he has earned by labor, and from which he giveth as much as he is able.”
Prophet Muhammad - “The angels asked, 'O God Is there anything of Thy creation stronger than rocks' God said, 'Yes iron is stronger than rocks, for it breaketh them.' The angels said, 'O Lord Is there anything of Thy creation stornger than iron' God said, 'Yes fire is stronger than iron, for it melteth it.' And the angels said, O defender Is there anything of Thy creation stronger than fire' God said, 'Yes water overcometh fire it killeth it and maketh it cold.' Then the angels said, 'O Lord Is there anything of Thy creation stronger than water' God said, 'Yes wind overcometh water it agitateth it and putteth it in motion.' They said, 'O our cherisher Is there anything in Thy creation stronger than wind' God said, 'Yes, the children of Adam, giving alms that is, those who give with their right hands and conceal if from their left, they overcome all.'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Almsgiving is duty unto you. Alms should be taken from the rich and returned to the poor.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The best of almsgiving is that which springeth from the heart, and is uttered by the lips to soften the wounds of the injured.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Verily, to honor an old man is showing respect to God.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The man I most emulate is a Muslim unencumbered a man of small family, and little money, a performer of prayers and a perfect worshipper of God in private, one who is unknown, and hath enough to supply his wants, and when he dieth, he will leave few women to cry for him, and few legacies.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Torment not yourselves, lest God punish you.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Kill not your hearts with excess of eating and drinking.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “There is a devil in every berry of the grape.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Adhere to truth, for truth leads to good deeds and good deeds leads him who does them to paradise. Falsehood is wickedness and wickedness leads to hell.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A man's true wealth here after is the good he does in this world to his fellow man.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who remembers his Lord and he who does not are like the living and dead.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “If you spend (to help others), O son of Adam I God shall spend on you.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A believer's soul is attached to his debt till it is paid.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “There are three signs of a hypocrite when he speaks he speaks lies, when he makes a promise he breaks it, and when he is trusted he betrays his trust.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Shedding of blood will be the first matter about which judgment will be given on the Day of Resurrection.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The search of knowledge is an obligation laid on every Muslim.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Those who are nearest to God are they who are first to give a salutation.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “As you will be so will you have rulers put over you.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Righteousness is good character, and sin is that which revolves in your heart and which you do not want people to know.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Reviling a Muslim is disobedience to God, and fighting with him is infidelity.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The man who is most hateful to God is the one who quarrels and disputes most.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The one who would have the worst position in God's sight on the Day of Resurrection would be a learned man who did not profit from his learning.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A believer must not hate his wife, and if he is displeased with one bad quality in her, then let him be pleased with one that is good in her.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Among the believers who show most perfect faith are those who have best disposition and are kindest to their families.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Modesty is part of faith and faith is in paradise, but obscenity is part of hardness of heart and hardness of heart is in hell.”

Prophet Muhammad - “Those who are merciful have mercy shown them by the Compassionate One, if you show mercy to those who are in the earth, He Who is in heaven will show mercy to you.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “When a man makes a loan to another, he must not accept a present.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “No judge must give judgment between two people when he is angry.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Eat together and not separately, for the blessings are associated with the company.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who believes in God and the Last Day should honour his guest he who believes in God and the Last Day should not annoy his neighbours and he who believes in God and the Last Day should say what is good or keep silent.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do not ask for any high office, for if you are given it after asking, you will be left to discharge it yourself if you are given it without asking you will be helped to discharge it.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Two hungry wolves do not do so much havoc to a flock of sheep as greed and desire do to one's religion.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who does a good deed will have ten times the amount of blessings, and I God shall give more, but he who does an evil deed will have an equivalent reward of evil, or I shall grant forgiveness. If anyone draws the length of a span near Me, I shall draw the length of a cubit near him, and if anyone draws the length of a cubit near Me, I shall draw the length of a fathom near him. If anyone comes to Me walking I shall come to him at a run, and if anyone meets me with sins of the size of the earth, but has not associated anything with Me, I shall meet him a similar amount of forgiveness.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “When he dies, people will say, 'What property has he left behind him' But the angels will ask, 'What good deeds has he sent before him'”
  Prophet Muhammad - “You have two characters which God likes gentleness and deliberation.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A Muslim has five duties towards another Muslim to return a salutation, visit the sick, follow funerals, accept an invitation and say 'God have mercy on you' when one sneezes.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “What is Faith When your good deed pleases you and your evil deed grieves you, you are a believer. What is Sin When a thing disturbs (the peace of) your heart, give it up.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “He who has in his heart as much faith as a grain of mustard seed will not enter hell, and he who has in his heart as much pride as a grain of mustard seed will not enter paradise.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Avoid envy, for envy devours good deeds just as fire devours fuel.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “A creature is not to be obeyed when it involves disobedience to the Creator.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “What I have forbidden to you, avoid what I have ordered you to do, do as much of it as you can. It was only their excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their Prophets that destroyed those who were before you.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “The strong man is not the good wrestler the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Coarse talk does not come into anything without disgracing it, and modesty does not come into anything without adorning it.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Your smiling in your brother's face is charity an exhortation of your fellow man to virtuous deeds is equal to almsgiving, your putting a wanderer in the right road is charity, your assisting the blind is charity your removing stones and thorns and other obstructions from the road is charity your giving water to the thirsty is charity.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Every good act is charity.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Bread feeds the body, indeed, but flowers feed also the soul.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “If I had but two loaves of bread, I would sell one and buy hyacinths, for they would feed my soul.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “It is better for one of you to take a rope, bring a load of firewood on his back, and sell it, God thereby preserving his self respect, than that he should beg from people whether they give him anything or refuse him.”
Prophet Muhammad - “If anyone guarantees me that he will not beg from people, I will guarantee him paradise.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “If anyone removes (one of the) anxieties of this world from a believer, God will remove (one of the) anxieties from him on the Day of Resurrection if one smoothes the way for one who is destitute, God will smooth the way for him in this world and the next and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, God will conceal his faults in this world and the next. God helps a man as long as he helps his brother. If anyone pursues a path in search of knowledge God will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good otherwise he should lie down.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “People will not sit remembering God without the angels surrounding them, mercy covering them, peace descending on them.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Do not consider any act of kindness insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face.”
  Prophet Muhammad - “Act kindly towards women, for they were created from a rib and the most crooked part of the rib is its top. If you attempt to straighten it you will break it, if you leave it alone it will remain crooked so act kindly towards women.”

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